In the Affiliate and Partnerships Industry Fundamentals certification path, you learned the basics of the affiliate and partnerships industry: the myriad digital marketing channels and how affiliates and partnerships slot into each, the different types of partners, and the key actors involved. Now, let's take it a step further!

By the end of this learning path, you will be able to:

  • Align affiliate marketing goals with company goals.
  • Assess competitor affiliate marketing programs to inform your own program-related decisions.
  • Assign optimal commission rates to your affiliates.
  • Create affiliate marketing contracts and policies.
  • Understand the types of partnerships that exist in affiliate marketing.
  • Choose the best affiliates for your affiliate marketing program.
  • Track affiliate marketing actions and incentivize incremental program growth.
  • Comprehend the basics of affiliate marketing media buying, also called “placements.”
  • Use KPIs to gauge the effectiveness of your affiliate marketing program.
  • Analyze the success of your affiliate marketing program and make data-driven decisions to drive growth.

Want to launch your partnerships program today with and grow your revenue to new heights? Learn more here.

Once you've earned your certificate, enroll in the Affiliate and Partnerships Industry Expert Certification Path!