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PXA Affiliate Marketing Resources

Affiliate Marketing Resources

Eager to #MasterPartnerships? Go beyond the coursework with our free repository of practical templates, must-have worksheets, and informative blog posts — made by pros with your business goals in mind.

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Blog posts

No fluff, just actionable strategies, insider tips, and industry trends.

5 Essential Elements of a Solid Affiliate Partnership Agreement

Incorporating essential elements like commissions, payments, tracking, promotions, and legal terms into the contract is crucial for clarity, trust, and fostering a mutually beneficial partnership. Curious to learn how to achieve this? Read on! Clarity is crucial for program contracts.

Understanding the Affiliate Revenue Model: Maximizing Your Earnings Potential

Affiliate marketing's diverse revenue models empower brands to meet their objectives in the way that works best for them. In this post, you’ll discover the intricacies of the cost-effective CPA model to boost profits, win customers, and swiftly achieve business goals.

The 5 Foundational Affiliates You Need to Know About

Ready to establish a robust affiliate program? Get to know the five types of foundational affiliates! Read on to discover each type's unique role in boosting revenue, building brand trust, and expanding market reach.

Getting Noticed as a Creator: How to Attract Brands for Lucrative Partnerships

How do creators enhance customer experience, build trust, and turn their partnership aspirations into reality? Explore this guide for tips on attracting brands for thriving partnerships.

Why Consider Performance-Based Compensation in Your Partnerships?

The answer is easy: it's a win-win for brands and creators collaborating in the dynamic world of influencer marketing. Continue reading to learn why many prefer paying and earning per result, not per post.

Monetize Your Content: 7 Different Compensation Types for Creators

Brand partnerships offer creators a whole spectrum of compensation methods — not just monetary payments. Read on to discover these methods and tips for negotiating flexible rewards.

Got questions? We've got answers

If you’re still puzzled by something, send us an email with your questions at, or message us on LinkedIn!

Nope! Everything we offer is free. Note that only PXA-registered learners can access our Resource Center.
No. In fact, there are no prerequisites for our certification exams, either! Feel free to pick and choose courses and complete them at your leisure.
Right now, our courses are designed for online learning, so an internet connection is required. But quick-reference course synopses are available for download as infographics! You'll find them amongst our other resources under the Recaps tab.
Expect a monthly dose of brand-new courses. In between, we're diligently refreshing our entire lineup of courses, certifications, microlearnings, and resources to keep in sync with the industry's pulse.
Exciting plans are lined up for our courses and website (yes, video transcripts are on the agenda.) While the dream would be to unveil all these features tomorrow, our preference is to deliver top-notch improvements one at a time rather than a flurry of subpar ones. Bear with us — in the meantime, drop us an email with your best ideas!
Exciting plans are lined up for our courses and website (yes, video transcripts are on the agenda.) While the dream would be to unveil all these features tomorrow, our preference is to deliver top-notch improvements one at a time rather than a flurry of subpar ones. Bear with us — in the meantime, drop us an email with your best ideas!
Absolutely! Every course concludes with a survey where you can rate your experience and give us feedback and suggestions for the material. Tell us what you'd like to learn more about, what you felt was pointless, what we could do to improve understanding, and what impacted your ease of learning. You can share your thoughts directly via email.
Right now, we have a community of affiliate enthusiasts just like you on LinkedIn. As for a community space on our website? Not yet... But keep your eyes peeled for coming developments.
Sadly not. As much as we'd love to share our knowledge across barriers, this feature is currently only a distant possibility.
You'll find all your earned certificates in your user profile. Open the credential you want to download and click the printer button at the bottom of the card. A printing dialog box will open, allowing you to save your certificate as a PDF. You can also add your certificate directly to your LinkedIn profile via the LinkedIn button or share it in a post on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter/X. (P.S.: Well done!)