Hypothetically speaking, a brand could analyze any kind of info about a program if it wanted to boost program efficiency and drive growth, but in this course, we’ll be focusing on the efforts which pack the most punch across the customer journey.
Now that you've got some advanced program protection methods under your belt, you’ll learn how a brand can use its partners (like cart abandonment partners) to find the right audience and increase conversions.
You’ll also discover how to audit an entire program, distinguish room for improvement, and utilize findings for serious optimization.
This course concludes the Affiliate and Partnerships Industry Expert certification path.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Explain how to target an audience via publishers and placements.
- Explain how to perform regular performance audits, and identify opportunities for improvement.
- Describe how to leverage cart abandonment partners to improve conversion rates.
- Recognize the most important indicators within the customer journey.
Ready to earn your certificate? Take the exam!